
sodium silicate plant



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Waste water heat recovery

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Waste water heat recovery



GWSAVER disturbed flow strengthening waste heat recovery apparatus into other type heat collector stationary type heat exchange for rotary heat exchange, adopt unique finned heat exchanger structure, in thermal efficiency mainly depends on the size of the fin structure, size, quantity, material and the fluid velocity and other factors. In order to improve the heat exchanger efficiency, the following measures are adopted:

A. The stainless steel fin with a diameter of D590mm is made of stainless steel plate of SUS304 (or SUS321), which has excellent thermal conductivity and certain strength and corrosion resistance.

B. Sewage and water are in reverse flow in and out of fins (see figure 1).

C and unique structure of the fin surface has several rules of pits, rotate at a constant speed in the hot water, produce high efficiency turbulence heat exchange efficiency, concave and convex pit and its internal baffle make hydrostatic labyrinth in fin internal flow, so as to further improve the heat transfer effect.

D. The rotation of finned fins in the sewage is stirred, so that the debris in the sewage remains suspended and all kinds of impurities are avoided. At the same time, the turbulent flow induced by turbulence and turbulent flow flush the inner wall of the heat exchanger, which has a self-cleaning effect.

In order to improve the efficiency of heat exchange, multiple baffles are set up in the box to make the sewage flow. The import and export position is low in advance, and good heat exchange. For the convenience of installation on the existing equipment, the pipe interface USES the same caliber, and the sewage flow depends on the difference of the liquid level and not the pump delivery.

F, the outside of the heat recovery box can be designed according to the customer's requirements to reduce the loss of heat.

G. Adopt full stainless steel support, choose reliable mechanical seal, use quality stable rotary joint, safety valve, ensure equipment reliability, ensure equipment maintenance.

Economic benefit analysis

1. 5000 tons of economic benefit analysis

Average from 5000 t wastewater, sewage water temperature is 70 ℃, discharge temperature of 36 ℃, water inlet water temperature of 20 ℃

It is estimated that the release of heat energy in sewage every day is:

Gw = the Cw. (T1, T2) left, left, 5000, 1000 = 4184 j/kg ℃ left, (70-36), left, left, 5000 70 kg

= 711280000000 j = 711280000 kj = 711280000 * 0.24 Kcal = 170 * 106 Kcal

The maximum heat recovery can be recovered by using the thermal efficiency eta of the heat recovery device as 85%.

G = Gw left, eta = 144.5 * 106 Kcal

In the form of eta - 85% thermal efficiency; Eta = actual heat change/heat transfer

Gw -- sewage emits heat Kcal;

The Cw - water heat 4184 j/kg ℃ :

T1 - sewage water temperature ℃ :

T2 - sewage effluent ℃ temperature.

Expected, water purification after the sewage heat energy recovery device, the temperature can reach 51 ℃ or so, high temperature and water flow rate: 4600 t/d

Used for bidding coal:

The 5000Kcal calorific value of each kilogram of tender can be calculated to save 144.5*106 Kcal/5000Kcal=28.9 tons

The results of the calculation results show that the sewage water heat exchanger can save 28.9 tons per day.

The coal is calculated at 1200 yuan per ton. For the whole year, work 300 days. Saving coal cost:

1200 * 28.9 * 360 = 12.4848 million yuan

Related Tags:sodiumsilicateplant,Wastewaterheatrecoveryjia,Wastewaterheatrecoverypi

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